CRT Approved Logo and Photos
The Community Renewal Team approved photos, video and logos on this web page represent the brand and identity of the agency. All are available to download for promotional purposes that support CRT as well as for members of the media. We ask that the logos and photos on this page are not edited or changed from its original form and dimensions in any way without approval from the CRT Communications Director. Simply click the logos or images you wish to download, or right-click them to save a copy to your desktop.
Approved Photos:
Photos are available for download in .jpeg format. They may be used with the attribution, “Courtesy of Community Renewal Team.”
Approved Video:
This video file is available from CRT for media use upon request.
Approved Logos:
Official CRT logos are available here for download. We ask that our logos be displayed in your publications with the same image proportions as reflected on this page.
If you have any questions about the use of the logo, please contact Kerstin Augur, Communications Director at: 860-230-4535.
Thank you for your consideration.
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For over 60 years, CRT has helped people in Central Connecticut lift their quality of life. Whether you need help now or are looking to build a more secure future, we can help with housing, food, energy bills, recovery, jobs, childcare, veterans services and much more.
Call us today at (860) 560-5600, and let’s build a better future together.
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